Where Connections are made !!

It wasn't until 2011 that I was really getting into the paranormal. I moved into a haunted house that had numerous spirits there, I found out later that this house was built on a late 1800 cemetery. From then on things seemed to happen anywhere in almost any home I moved into. I was told a little later that I have a special gift and attract spirits to me very easily because my experiences made me more open to the other side. I also can feel their energy and sense their feelings and see them in my minds eye. I have had quite a few mediums tell me that I have the gift of being a clairvoyant.
I opened this store to share some of my spirit dolls as I have so many, I own hundreds of haunted items mainly dolls and am still getting more as time goes by because many people started sending me items they either cant or don't want to keep, and some I got from private investigations.
You can read my reviews, watch my videos, and ask me for other proofs I might have to see that my spirited items are truly unique, and with spirit.

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